

Medicine and surgery


Admissions and enrolment
6 Years
Degree Classes
LM-41 (Medicina e chirurgia)
Medicine and Surgery

Developing a people-centred health care

The Università Cattolica's 6-year Single-Cycle MD Medicine and Surgery is entirely English-taught. It provides full integration of learning objectives of European and US curricula and it is achieved through a multidisciplinary approach. The attention isn’t focused only on basic and clinical sciences, but also on patient management, legal responsibilities of the medical profession and its ethical aspects.

Career prospects

Traditional frontal lectures are English-taught as well as other practical activities, traineeship, vocational training and optional projects. Internships take place at the Policlinico Gemelli University Hospital.

Teaching approach

The Università Cattolica's 6-year Single-Cycle MD Medicine and Surgery is thought to develop qualified medical personnel and professionals in the field of clinical and scientific research. The students who are interested in the US Postgraduate training will be also able to apply for the possibility of attending their final course year abroad.
Università Cattolica offers students on the Single-Cycle Master’s Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery the opportunity to undertake a study programme leading to a Double - Triple Degree qualification in Medicine and Surgery.

Cattolica MD International

The Università Cattolica's 6-year Single-Cycle MD Medicine and Surgery named Cattolica MD International was first inaugurated during the academic year 2013-2014

To teach a profession where medical knowledge becomes clinical competence and integrates professional ethics and social responsibility.

Humanism and Respect – Excellence and Innovation – Professionalism and Social Responsibility

To foster a new generation of global physicians with a passion for learning and continuous reflection, who are ready to practice collaboratively across the world.

Advancing and applying knowledge to improve lives

The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023 cover a total of 54 disciplines, grouped into five broad subject areas. The QS World University Rankings by Subject are compiled annually to help prospective students identify the leading universities in a particular subject.

Discover more

LT-LMCU Medicina RM 2023.pdf
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Faculty of Medicine and Surgery: degree programmes