Info for
Prospective Students
Cattolica Students
International Students
Academic Staff
Institutions, Companies and Professions


Public policies


Domestic applicants
International applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-63 (Public administration)

What is the internship
The second semester of the second year of the degree programme in Models and Tools for the Management of Welfare and Sustainable Development is dedicated to promoting the student's integration into the workplace through a curricular internship, which can be carried out in public, private and third sector bodies.

The aim of the curricular internship with ECTS is to be configured as a didactic-professional training experience carried out within a company context with defined and agreed training objectives and represents the first and immediate key to access the world of work, through which the student can experience the teaching notions learned in the field.


Internship Tutor References
Dr. Giulia Izzo
Office hours: Remotely and electronically. To make an appointment, please contact the Tutor by email.
Contact details:


Specific details about the Internship

The internship must include actions and assignments related to the student's educational path. In case of uncertainty, the tutor will inform the internship commission, which will issue a final judgment.
The internship must not take place in the employ of parents or a relative and must take place regularly at the headquarters of the institution or company both in Italy and abroad.

N° ECTS assigned to the internship: 3 ECTS

The university credits (ECTS) related to the internship can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. the carrying out of an internship of a minimum duration of three months, for a number of hours between 160 and 320;
  2. the recognition of a work activity carried out during the years of attendance at the courses;
  3. the extension of a study abroad experience that includes activities in addition to attending courses.

1. The curricular internship

You can search for the internship through different channels:

  • Internet, job portals, graduate databases, company websites (many companies have a section specifically dedicated to recruiting for online applications);
  • Career Day, Job Day or other trade fairs;
  • Authorised structures for labour intermediation, local public bodies, employment agencies, brokerage companies, recruitment companies, universities, etc.;
  • Official Gazette and Regional Bulletins for participation in public competitions;
  • Job Orientation Guides;
  • Network of contacts and interpersonal relationships
  • Social networks.

In addition to the channels listed above, students can consult the ST&P portal (  where you can find internship opportunities published by companies and updated in real time. You can select and respond to the most suitable ads with respect to your professional profile in line with the specific details presented above. It is therefore important to constantly monitor advertisements and create ad hoc responses in a timely manner, preparing your motivational letter and curriculum vitae appropriately.

2. Recognition of a work activity

The work activity for which the request for recognition is submitted must have the following characteristics:

  • Must have taken place for at least THREE months, for a total number of hours greater than 160
  • It must have concerned tasks related to the educational path undertaken by the student.
  • It must have been carried out during the second year of the graduate degree programme.
  • It must not have been subject to previous requests for recognition.
  • It must not have been carried out in the employ of parents or a relative.

3. Expanding a study abroad experience

Students who have participated or will participate in the Erasmus programme or the Overseas programme, in one of the locations affiliated with the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, can accrue the credits related to the internship through the attendance of seminars organised by the foreign host university and aimed at the acquisition of professional skills (language courses are excluded), consistent with their educational path. Students who have to participate in the program are required to inform the tutor in advance of the program of the activities they intend to follow and the relative number of hours, in order to a prior assessment of their suitability.


Internship activation procedure

To activate the curricular internship with ECTS, it is necessary to access

Before starting the internship, the student must explain to the internship tutor the timing, methods, contents and tasks of the internship. Once you have received confirmation from the Tutor, you will be able to start the activation procedure.


Recognition of curricular internships and equivalent activities

For option 1 (Curricular internship with ECTS), within one month from the end of the internship, the student is required to hand deliver or send by e-mail to the internship tutor the following documents:

  • Evaluation form for curricular internships by the student (Annex 1)
  • Evaluation form for curricular internships by the company tutor (attachment 2).

 For option 2 (Recognition of a work activity) the student is required to submit the following documents to the internship tutor:

  • written report by the student about the experience (Annex 1)
  • Letter on the company's letterhead (signed by the owner) indicating the duration of the work experience and the tasks performed.

For option 3 (Extension of a study experience abroad) the student is required to deliver to the internship tutor a document on the letterhead of the host university, which shows that the student has attended the course, seminar or laboratory.

The documents received will be evaluated by the internship tutor. If the evaluation is positive, the tutor will communicate the accreditation of the internship activity to the Student Centre for the necessary administrative formalities.

In order to be able to register and certify the internship, the internship activity or alternative experience must be completed at least one and a half months before the graduation session to which he/she intends to attend. Upon submission of the thesis, students are required to check on I-catt that the credits of the internship activity have been registered. In case of problems, students must immediately communicate with the internship tutor, in order to avoid the postponement of the thesis.