Info for
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Cattolica Students
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Institutions, Companies and Professions


Labour management and communication for organisations


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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-88 (Sociology and social research)

What is Internship

The curricular internship with ECTS is a didactic-professional experience carried out within a company context, with defined and agreed training objectives, it represents a key to access the world of work with which it is possible to experience "in the field" the notions learned during the course of study and evaluate the real motivation with respect to the future professional expectations.
The internship is a particularly valuable experience for those who attend a highly professional course such as Ergolabos.
Before activating a curricular internship that allows the recognition of training credits, it is necessary to know the Internship Regulations of the degree course and contact the Ergolabos Tutor.

Internship Tutor

Dr Donata Campanelli
The tutor receives on Tuesdays from 17.00 to 18.30, by appointment, at the WWELL Research Center - Department of Sociology (Franciscanum Building - 3rd floor, room 312) - Telephone: 02.7234.2675
If the interview is not held in person, it will be possible to do so remotely (Microsoft Teams).
To make an appointment, please send an e-mail.

Internship Specific Details

Duration: The internship must have a duration of at least 3 months full-time or an equivalent duration (e.g., 6 months part-time).

If the subjects offering the internships propose a duration longer than that necessary to obtain the recognition of the credits provided for in the study plan, the student, accepting the proposal, undertakes to complete the internship for the entire duration provided for in the initial training project. Therefore, it will not be allowed to interrupt the internship before this deadline.

For internships lasting at least twice as long as that required to obtain the recognition of the credits provided for in the study plan, the student may request the recognition of an additional 3 ECTS, using the credits for the activities chosen by the student.

The internship  activity cannot take place in the employ of parents or a relative.

Compulsory nature of the internship: In exceptional cases, in which the internship is impossible to carry out, subject to authorization by the curriculum coordinator and the internship tutor, the student may replace the internship with an agreed training activity.

Activation procedure:

Before starting the internship, the student must explain to the internship tutor the timing, methods, contents and expected tasks of the internship.

Once you have received confirmation from the Tutor, you will be able to start the activation procedure, which takes place exclusively through the STEP Portal.

Methods for assigning/recognising ECTS

For the purpose of assigning ECTS, at the end of the curricular internship, the student is required to fill in a final report, which must consist of a minimum of two pages and a maximum of three (a page of about 2,000 characters is defined as a page).

The aforementioned report must be divided into the following points (with the possible addition of others at the student's discretion):

  1. Briefly describe the identity of the institution/institution or company where the internship took place (mission, sector of activity/market, size, culture, history...).
  2. Describe the activity of the division/sector within which the intern has worked and its system of relations with the rest of the organizational structure.
  3. Define the type of skills (professional and relational) that have been acquired during the internship.
  4. Formulate a final assessment of the meaning and value of the internship experience in relation to the training course carried out and in relation to one's professional future
This report, dated and signed, is mandatory and preparatory to the recognition of ECTS.
 It should be sent by e-mail to:
Internship Tutor:
Dr Donata Campanelli

Similarly, starting from the end of the internship, the company will be invited (by communication from the Internship & Placement Office) to fill in an online form on page to evaluate the internship carried out;

  • The company will be able to access the platform using the same credentials provided during registration and used to start the internship.
  • In the "internships and internships" box, the company contact person must click on the "consult internship history" button, select the name of the intern and click on "evaluate project".
  • The company can fill in the questionnaire from 5 days before the end of the internship to 30 days after the end of the internship;
  • Only upon a positive evaluation by the company, it will be possible to proceed with the recognition of the internship and the related training credits. The Internship Tutor will notify the Student Services Centre for the accreditation of the 3 ECTS.
  • Upon submission of the thesis, students are required to check with the Student Centre that the credits of the internship activity have been registered. In case of problems, students must immediately notify the Internship Tutor, in order to avoid the postponement of the final degree exam.
  • The internship must end at least two weeks before the graduation session to which the student intends to attend.



Is it possible to do a part-time internship?
Yes, you can. In this case, a period longer than three months is required, to be agreed with the internship tutor.

Is it possible to replace the internship with a chosen training activity?
If it is impossible to carry out the internship, it is possible, in exceptional cases, to carry out a training activity that has the following characteristics:

  • It must be inherent to the educational path undertaken by the student.
  • It must be carried out during the period of university studies, preferably in the second semester of the second year of the programme.
  • It must not have already been the subject of previous requests for recognition.

The student must explain to the internship tutor the timing, methods, contents and tasks of the proposed training activity.
In addition, as an alternative activity to the internship, students can take a course of their choice as long as it is consistent with the study plan, the approval of which is the responsibility of the Faculty Bodies for a number of credits not less than 3.

Is it possible to replace the internship with a foreign language course?
No, foreign language courses are not considered as elective educational activities.

Is it possible to carry out an internship abroad?
Yes, it is possible to carry out an internship abroad. The administrative management of internships abroad is the responsibility of the International Development Area,, while the internship tutor remains the reference for the recognition of ECTS.

Is there any financial recognition (allowance) for the curricular internship?
The participation fee is at the discretion of the host institution (cf. Reference legislation).

What should I do if problems arise during the internship with the host institution?
If any critical issues occur, we invite you to contact the university tutor requesting an interview.

Is it possible to interrupt the internship?
Yes, it is possible through the internship interruption request available on the portal. Since this is a curricular internship with CFU, in the event of interruption it is necessary to promptly notify the university tutor.