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Reports to the Supervisory Board

Any fact deemed to be a violation, or suspected of a violation, of the Code of Ethics, the Organisation, Management and Control Model (Model), the Articles of Association and the Regulations adopted by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore must be reported to the Supervisory Board (SB) in writing and not anonymously, as well as in as detailed a manner as possible. A more complete picture of the aspects to be reported is available in this information document.

The reports may originate from all members of the university community: staff, students, members of the Bodies (Board of Directors, Academic Senate, Audit Committee, etc.), collaborators, partners, suppliers, as well as other categories of people who in various ways have relations with the University.

Reports must be made using one of the two alternative channels indicated below:

  • preferably through the dedicated application that can be accessed from this web page, specifically designed to guarantee the best standards of security and confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower and the contents of the report. By accessing the application page, specific instructions are made available to proceed with notifications and, if necessary, subsequent communications with the SB; the relative user manual is available at the following link.
  • by means of ordinary correspondence (in paper form), to be used only if it is not possible to access the computerised reporting procedures, to the address indicated in the form for reporting to the SB referred to herein.

It should be noted that the only institutional reporting methods are those indicated above, therefore the transmission channel via e-mail is not normally included among the methods considered suitable for reporting for the purposes in question, while it remains to be used for ordinary communications to the SB, also in relation to interpretative clarifications, observations and proposals for improvement referring to the Code of Ethics and the Model.

The SB will analyse all the reports received, ascertaining the existence of the conditions of acceptance, the truthfulness and validity and guaranteeing the traceability of the analyses carried out and therefore adopting the appropriate methods for communicating confidentially with the reporter, if deemed necessary. As far as the aforesaid communication methods are concerned, the whistleblower is obliged to follow the indications provided by the Supervisory Board.

Whistleblowers shall be guaranteed, in accordance with current legislation, against any form of retaliation, discrimination or penalisation or any consequence deriving from the propagation of the report, without prejudice to the protection of the rights of persons accused wrongly or in bad faith and the rights of workers, the Entity and third parties. The Supervisory Board and the University adopt appropriate measures to guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower and the information acquired. Any proven act of retaliation or discrimination against the whistleblower, violation of the aforementioned obligation to provide information, as well as the submission with intent or gross negligence of reports that prove to be unfounded will be subject to disciplinary measures.

The SB, or more generally the University, adopts high standards of computer security to ensure the security of reports, also in order to guard against the risk of unauthorised access and processing. The data is processed in compliance with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and Before proceeding with the reports, the Information Notice "Reports to the Supervisory Board" must be consulted.
